The difference that Zetas make

559 posts Member
This thread is not another question about whom to use zetas on or that some character is OP. Actually there is no point to this thread other than the fact that I wanted to share a certain story with the community. A story about how much of a difference even one zetaed character can make.

I've been playing this game for a long time. Almost since the beginning (hard to believe it's been over a year and a half already...). Last year I took a break from GoH that lasted several months. Before the break I was top 200 in the arena, quite often top 100. Then the break came...

When I returned in September, I was somewhere around rank 1500-2000 with no mods, level 70 and weak characters. Had a lot of catching up to do. I reached the level cap, got some mods, maxed out a few characters. And, first and foremost, climbed my way up the arena ranks.

By the time I reached the top 500, I hit a brick wall. My team was Lando, Wiggs, Fett and RG. I could hold my own and I was permamnently around rank 300-400, but couldn't go any higher. Then two things happened...

The first was that I 7* two characters: Maul and Vader. The second was that I finally collected 20 Zeta materials and decided to upgrade Maul to Zaul. And the difference was amazing! Within days Zaul, Vader, EP, Fett and Lando took my team first to top 200 and then, for the first time in months, I managed to claw my way to top 100 this morning (curently ranked 81st).

Yes, I know that Lando and Fett are not really great in this team, they will be replaced soon (I'm almost done farming Dooku and after that going after Nihilus). But even with these two realtively mediocre characters, Zaul is able to carry the team to new heights. I'm now at 7/20 in my second Zeta, which will probably go to Dooku (his Zeta is not a leader ability, so it will work with Zaul leading). Can't wait to see how things go from there.


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