Farming advice request - Arena

Hi everyone,

I've just finished farming Cassian in Arena, so I'm looking for advice on my next character farm there.

I've already seven-starred the following : Cassian Andor, Mace Windu, Chief Nebit, Princess Leia, Grand Moff Tarkin, HK-47, Admiral Ackbar, IG-88, Dark Sidious, Stormtrooper Han.

Currently, shard count on the following are :
- Ugnaught (24/25) : only got shards from bronziums or GW. No prospect of developping him.
- Greedo (31/85) : I already have good enough Scoundrels for the events
- Asajj Ventress (44/65) : my Nightsisters aren't very highly developped.
- Savage Opress (23/85) : probably the only one I'd really field
- Mob Enforcer (1/25) : like Ugnaught...
- Eeth Koth (10/100) : I used to farm him last year, but found him lacking.
- Nute Gunray (49/65): I fail to see his usefulness.

My roster is on :

I'm torn between finishing some of them and only using Arena tokens for extra credits, but this won't amount to much compared to what I get elsewhere (I beat GW every day and place top 3 in T7 Rancor and AAT, thrice and twice a week respectively, so I get an easy 9 million credits each week from these two sources alone).
I'm currently improving Rogue Ones, Clones, Jedis and some Siths.

Unless told different, I'd go with the following order : Savage, Asajj, Greedo, Gunray (the last two to field a bomb-squad), Eeth Koth (just to finish what I started).

I'm eager for any advice, and thank you beforehand.


  • Savage is the best toon of the ones you haven't farmed yet. I really enjoy using Asajj in GW; a lot of people hate on her but I like her kit. All the others I probably wouldn't even bother farming.
  • Who do you use her with ?

    PS: It's not Mob Enforcer, but CUP. Doesn't change my plans towards it.
  • I use her with any team, only the first 5 nodes and sometimes 7/8 though.
  • Jetlife
    1367 posts Member
    Savage is great! With zeta he can work in squads without zaul. Farm savage!
    Asaj is very slow and not good in arena. But she has a nice kit and is ok in GW. Even with her zeta she is bad in arena.
    The others I wouldn't worry about
  • Ambassador wrote: »
    Hi everyone,

    I've just finished farming Cassian in Arena, so I'm looking for advice on my next character farm there.

    I've already seven-starred the following : Cassian Andor, Mace Windu, Chief Nebit, Princess Leia, Grand Moff Tarkin, HK-47, Admiral Ackbar, IG-88, Dark Sidious, Stormtrooper Han.

    Currently, shard count on the following are :
    - Ugnaught (24/25) : only got shards from bronziums or GW. No prospect of developping him.
    - Greedo (31/85) : I already have good enough Scoundrels for the events
    - Asajj Ventress (44/65) : my Nightsisters aren't very highly developped.
    - Savage Opress (23/85) : probably the only one I'd really field
    - Mob Enforcer (1/25) : like Ugnaught...
    - Eeth Koth (10/100) : I used to farm him last year, but found him lacking.
    - Nute Gunray (49/65): I fail to see his usefulness.

    My roster is on :

    I'm torn between finishing some of them and only using Arena tokens for extra credits, but this won't amount to much compared to what I get elsewhere (I beat GW every day and place top 3 in T7 Rancor and AAT, thrice and twice a week respectively, so I get an easy 9 million credits each week from these two sources alone).
    I'm currently improving Rogue Ones, Clones, Jedis and some Siths.

    Unless told different, I'd go with the following order : Savage, Asajj, Greedo, Gunray (the last two to field a bomb-squad), Eeth Koth (just to finish what I started).

    I'm eager for any advice, and thank you beforehand.

    Asajj or Savage
  • You have a decent Sith lineup, so I'd go for Savage
  • Get savage then credits/prestige. The rest are junk unless they update them.
  • Thanks all, confirms what I thought at first.
  • I'm in the same boat give or take a couple of toons. Since I don't care too awful much about ships and am also getting enough credits elsewhere I have been saving arena tokens so I can quickly farm any new character that they put in there that I might want.
  • Same boat as you but I have savage n ventress done. After Cassian I'm just gonna save tokens for credits
  • Personally I would buy shards you don't need and trade them in the shard shop for Krennic. Then Savage, Asajj
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