A humble request...

No, it's not about Chaze. It's about gear.

We have a training droid heist. We have a credit heist. Both extremely useful events I love that were added to the game. Truly; I get excited late in the week when I see "scoundrel pack in store".

And while these help alleviate the credit crunch and droid crunch, there's still one more crunch to go...the gear crunch. So...how about a gear heist? Kind of like the raid rewards, but with gear you don't find in challenges. So you could do a heist and get stun cuffs, furnaces, holo-emitters, security scanners, Mk V droid callers, etc. And, with a small chance to get a fully crafted peice (kind of like the small chance of getting 5 or 10 mil in the credit heist).

It could be set up to use any toons you want; doesn't HAVE to be scoundrels, after all. Could be a totally different faction, like Rebels stealing gear from the Empire.

Please consider it. Thank you.


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