Play to Give Charity Event

977 posts Member
edited June 2017
I love this game but am against the United Nations. It's very purpose, irrespective of whether you believe they are capable of accomplishing it or not, is a Global Government in which the freedoms under the US Constition and the constitutions of other sovereign countries would be thrown out.

As for "gender equality": If by that you mean fighting for women to be treated like human beings and given the basic rights that men have (that they currently DON'T in many Middle Eastern countries), I'm all for it on principle. However, if by the definition you mean accepting homosexuality as "normal" and championing gay marriage, please count me out. Despite what the Dinosaur Media has brainwashed people to believe, there are a LOT more of us out there that don't view it as "normal" or "right" than you think. Update: Ok, it looks like it's purely talking about women's rights, which I'm 100% for. I really don't think you should partner with the UN though.
Post edited by Mojavelandbaron on


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