If the powers that be decided to reasonably nerf Chaze, would you ask for a refund?

104 posts Member
edited June 2017
For the sake of the poll, a reasonable nerf is whatever feels reasonable in your mind.

If the powers that be decided to reasonably nerf Chaze, would you ask for a refund? 4 votes

Yep! I want a full refund.
0% 0 votes
Not a full refund but I think I deserve something back
0% 0 votes
Nope, I'm ok with my Chaze the way they are now
50% 2 votes
I can't predict how I'd react.
50% 2 votes


  • There is nothing to nerf

    Nerfing good synergy isnt good for the game

    In make believe land lets say they did, I wouldnt ask for a refund since I didnt pay a dime to max them lol
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