Starting ability slot in arena fight idea

Arena is the most interesting part for end game but it's going to boring, everyone can beat others and copycat teams and tactics for the win.
Anytime you facing a team you already known how to fight and win... only mods is different.
It's like PVE not PvP as will.
My suggestion is add a slot for each characters and player can assist an ability will start in first turn for defense or auto battle
-1 slot only use for 1 time with taerget priority orders by class choose by player
For example : Thrawn can assist 1 special (basic) for his first turn in defense battle. For fracture in order for enemy is : Tank then support then attacker.... or support then tank then attacker. If more than 1 characters with same class so random pickup.
If no ability is assist AI will do like before.
Same with support ability .
I guess will make arena much more better and no more complaint about suck AI ruined the game.
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