HAAT rewards

From the Pit you get a set amount of raid gear pieces and a set amount of purple gear pieces depending on your placing. For instance, for a top 10 placing in heroic you get 40 raid gear pieces, and 20(?) purple gear pieces.

How does this work in the HAAT? How many pieces do you get for each placing, and what gear does it choose from? (I know what type of gear the reward box drops, but I mean the other rewards you get.)


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    That's not entirely true. You can also get only random purple gear, without receiving raid gear in the Pit.

    HAAT works the same way - RNG
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    That's not entirely true. You can also get only random purple gear, without receiving raid gear in the Pit.

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    Why was this moved to feedback? It's not feedback, it's a question I would like an answer to.
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