what would you do first?

267 posts Member
If you had to do it over again, who would you max gear first? and who would you zeta first?


  • ilNomad
    236 posts Member
    edited July 2017
    Honestly, as an FTP player, I have very few regrets which I'm happy about. The biggest thing I'd say is it took me a whiiiiile to jump on the Wiggs train. It was brutal but I managed to 7* Emperors Demise without them (somehow....). I would have definitely started on them sooner.

    EDIT: only two zetas so far but no regrets. Zader and Zidious.
  • ExarTheKun
    2668 posts Member
    No regrets. Resistance all the way.
  • Max gear Nihilus...zeta, Kylo. Yes, even after the tank nerf.
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