Who should I replace with Yoda?

My main team is 4* Gundi, 6* Eeth Koth, 6* JC, 5*, Old Ben, 6* Lumi. Lead= Gundi. All are level 62 and Gear 5. I was thinking about replacing JC, but I wasn't really sure. I also have a 5* QGJ, but not really sure where to work him in either.


  • QGJ (lead), Yoda, Lumi, Old Ben, Eeth (sorry Ima-Gun Di, but you're too hard to farm)
    Proud and Belgian officer of [DTA] BIER DTA | official Lando Calrissian fanboy KappaPride
  • I would get rid of koth he contributes nothing and replace him with qui. Remove gundi as you are not running much of a counter team anyway other than lumi, and you will not star him up anytime soon and put in yoda. Qui as leader, level up his speed.
  • QGJ (lead), Yoda, Lumi, Old Ben, Eeth (sorry Ima-Gun Di, but you're too hard to farm)

    I farm him almost every day, and I am only at 24 shards. It will be a long time before he is even 5*
  • IGD is really bad as a defensive leader anyway. Just refrain from AOE's and you're good. I agree with Sticare, except I would put Dooku in Eeth's spot. Faster, still has a stun, and is nice for burning down Sid, who is a PITA with a JEDI deck.
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