Sell Screen removed without any compensation?

6 posts Member
edited February 2016
Shortly after having overcome the frustration that I'm not allowed to play with the kids richer of Jedi >5, I even had to realize that the Sell Screen had been deleted with the whole inventory!

Even though I already had sold the useless mining droids I still had a lot of gear in there that I'd desperately have needed to farm my characters, starting from hundreds of different training droids to thousands items of equipment needed to fill the empty character slots.

It's nice that Jesse has announced that players who still had mining droids in their inventory would receive a compensation for this loss but what about all the other gear that's gone now?

Last time I've taken a look at it the sale of all this stuff still would have amounted to a couple hundred thousands credits that could have been used (and would have been needed) to bring characters to the next level.

edited out profanity


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