Zeta Challenge Ship Help.

4 posts Member
edited July 2017
Hello all i've just hit level 78 and gave the zeta challenge an attempt as you can probably imagine it went horribly bad, I managed to get Wedge down and that was about it.

My current squad:

Biggs G9+Level 78. Ship level: 75 - 5*
Wedge G9+Level 78. Ship level: 71 - 5*
CT-5 G8+Level 65. Ship level:70 - 5*
Darth Maul G8+level 66. Ship level: 72 - 5*
Sun Fac G7+ level 53. Ship level: 68 - 5*

Plo Koon G6 + level 52. Ship level: 56 - 5*
Genosian Spy G5 + level 50. Ship level: 65 - 6*
Geonosian Solider G5 + level 40. Ship level: 51 - 6*

Grand Moff Tarkin G8+ level 70. Ship level: 58 - 5*

What should i be doing in order to get my team up to scratch? should i be leveling up certain characters and gearing them up more? I'm really not sure so any input will help.

Other Notable ships I am working on:

Slave I. level 70, G9 Bobba level 78. 44/65 - 4*
Jedi Consular. G8 level 54. 43/65 - 4*


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