Is Yoda Worth It if Only 5*ing and not 7*ing?

I'm debating whether it is worth it or not to continue the push to get 5* Yoda by the end of this event. I have to divert a fair amount of resources to get Mace and Ahsoka from 4* to 5* in addition to what I've already put into them. I want Yoda but in the end I don't see myself continuing to devote precious resources to get those two to 7* when I have higher priorities in mind.

If that is the case is Yoda worth having at 5* or am I just wasting my resources for that if I don't plan on taking him to 7*?



  • LouBaht wrote: »

    Thanks for the link.

    Seems like you won't be at any real disadvantage by not having him. I think I'll just get back to focusing on other priorities. I'll still work on Mace and Ahsoka via their energy nodes in hopes of having them 5* for the next time the event comes around just so I can collect him but that's probably as far as I'll take it.
  • I just want him at 5* to be honest. 7* is just not viable when F2P.

    I just play for fun and want my favourite characters, they mostly happen to be Sith or Dark side so when this event came to light i was a bit screw. i diverted all my resources and started farming hard.
    I only had 5* Lumi, 3* JC, 3* JKG and a 2* Ahsoka. So i managed to get 3* Eeth and 2* QGJ before the event started.
    Im now still farming shards for JC and JKG and hammering Cantina to star up QGJ and using all my arena credits to star up Eeth. Once at 5* i will stop.
    The sad thing is after i get 5* Yoda i will never use Eath, Ashoka, JKG or QGJ again out of choice and only if i have to (events/challenges/GW). i hate putting resources into characters i dont like.

    The way i see it is i love my 5* Dooku, 5* Sidious etc so surely i will love a 5* Yoda?
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