My 2 wishes

I just got done refreshing arena for about 10 minutes straight so I could fight position 14 from 20. And after nearly throwing my phone multiple times, I decided to whine on the forums... Cause I think that's what I'm supposed to do ;-)

I just really wish they would do something about arena refreshes. To me it seems simple, in my case you're at 20, the first square should just be a 50% chance to see 19 or 18, then 17 and 16 in the middle, and 15 and 14 in the right. I know it may different at higher ranges, but that's fine, you just divide all the positions possible by 3 and then give each an equal chance to show in it's assigned square. If there's an extra, put it in the left one, cause rarely do you ever want to just move up 1 or 2 spots.

Second wish... Please for the love of all that is holy... Let me do 100 bronziums at a time.

PS I'm sure these suggestions have never, ever, ever been posted and are completely original. So copyright belongs to me ;-) or the other thousand people who have suggested these
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