Strategy: Beating Thrawn T7 with G8 Phoenix Toons(No Chopper)

First of all, levels, mods, gear.
All of the characters are g8 lvl 85.
As for stats(with mods combined)
Hera - Speed 198, HP around 12k, Protection around 9k.
Sabine - Low speed(about 176) - Crit damage + crit chance mods. Crit damage at 206%
Zeb - Speed at 143, Health at 21k, Prot - 11k
Kanan - Speed at 95, Health at 21k, Prot - 15k
Ezra - Speed at 235, Crit damage at 186%, speed set.

Everyone has Omega on their Unique, Ezra, Sabine, Hera have Omegas on their basics. Additionally you could max out all of Ezra's abilities for maximum damage.

The strategy - First of all, since the toons are fairly low level and I didn't bother modding them all that well, my attempts did depend on RNG to some extent. You are probably going with ease through the first 3 stages and then you get destroyed on the last one. So this is what you should do.

First - at the end of Stage 3, make sure that Kanan is close to 100% TM and so is Ezra. You need Ezra to dispel this annoying Taunt + Crit immunity and you need to tank some of damage with Kanan. Make sure you use Taunt only after DTs have used they grenades, as this will dispel it.

Second - Hera should also be somewhere around 50% TM, so she can give Kanan the Revive buff.
If you taunt with Kanan and Thrawn fractures him, that's OK. At least Thrawn won't go after any of your toons, since he can't attack.

Third - using Ezra's assist attack properly. You need to be strategic about this. The 2 main heroes who should be getting the assist are Hera or Zeb. If both Zeb and Ezra have decent amount of HP/Protection, then use it with Hera, as this will feed her TM. The more times she goes, the sooner the Revive buff will come off cooldown and the sooner she would be able to give it to somebody.

Fourth - using Hera's assist attack. Stop giving it to Ezra/Sabine. The attack is meant for toons that apply debuffs, like Zeb. Use it with him, to apply Daze. thus preventing them from gaining TM constantly and also to stun somebody if possible.

Fifth - Imagine that Thrawn isn't there until you've finished everybody else. If you killed both DT and the Stormtrooper, and you still have All 5(no matter their HP) alive, then you're in luck. Chances are you might be able to beat him. Finish the magma troopers off and start focusing on Thrawn. If you're down to 3 or 4 heroes you also have a chance. If the last remaining heroes you've got, to face him are Ezra, Sabine and Kanan, this is perfect.

Sixth - Fighting Thrawn 3 on 1. Armor Shred as soon as possible. Assist attacks MUST only go on Kanan! Unless he is dead or fractured!!. If his taunt is up, use it ASAP. Thanks to Ezra's assist attacks, both Kanan and Ezra will gain Protection UP, which will help you survive against him. If he hits Sabine, use Kanan's special to give her Protection Up. Proceed to finish Thrawn off.

This is how you beat him with g8 toons and no Chopper. Try it a couple of times until you've hit the right rng.
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