Where's Wicket

I've been playing the game for almost 2 years and I try to pay attention to all the shards o can get. The last Ewoks event included some shards of Wicket but since then, he's stuck with 3 stars. The newest event, says only a 4 star Wicket can qualify to play. Did they offer him between now and then? How can we play then? Buy him? Hope the Ewok Data Card will give me the Shards of Wicket that I need? Did anyone else notice?


  • Don't have to have Wicket 4*. You have to have any 5 Ewoks at 4*. So you have to farm Paploo or Logray to 4* to do the event to earn Wicket shards.
  • This is a great alternative. Thanks for the idea however in my inbox later, Wicket Shards we're there. I guess this thought occurred to others too.
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