Fleet arena crystal rewards

I don't understand why fleet arena reward are not aligned with squad arena reward, when it comes to crystals. In the fleet arena, players below top 20 get no crystals at all. It's like we are non-existent. Please make it regressive like the squad arena reward, at least everyone can get some crystals in fleet, not just the top few.


  • It is actually scaled to the amount of people in the shard. Ships shards are much smaller than arena shards, so there is a smaller competition base. I too would like crystals for the top 50, but I also understand the scale they’ve implemented. Ships are more time consuming however (if you scale time spent on toons and ships shard farming), so the rewards should reflect that...
  • I wish rewards in fleet were more scaled as well but as someone who places regularly in the top 5, I can't say I feel the pain of not getting crystals. However I do feel I am at a huge advantage compared to anyone placing 21-1000000
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