Feedback for first TW

Here are some of my thoughts after playing through one territory war.

As mentioned before, ties should not result in both teams getting second place. If both teams set max defense and conquer all territories, then both should be rewarded for playing the game and get first place rewards. As mentioned, with the current tie-breaker, all guilds will simply set all defenses and then not attack at all. Both teams will get second place rewards and save a day of attacking. A good solution for a tie-breaker is having defensive wins reward additional banners.

Logs of the battles would be nice to see. I would like to know how my defensive squad did. Did it defeat any teams or was it crushed easily? What was the team composition that defeated it? Maybe leave the completed battle on the territory along with the battle record of every team it faced so you can look at the opposing teams and what mods they used, etc. A replay of the battle would be even nicer so you can learn battle techniques and offer critique and advice to guildmates.

Maybe there should be more teams required on each territory to make it harder for both guilds to completely conquer all territories. A 100M GP guild can easily set 200 ground defense teams and still have 400+ attack teams. There's no way to prevent both sides from conquering everything with that abundance of offense. Perhaps there needs to be guild limit on how many teams can be sent on attack?

Guild collusion is definitely a possibility. Not revealing your opponent until the end will prevent this, but it also takes away some of the fun.

The stats are always improving, but I would like to see a zero or blank next to guild members that have not yet participated. That way I don't have to go through the list myself and check off who has participated to find out who is missing. You should also be able to sort each list alphabetically. This is true also for Territory Battles stats. Please show us who hasn't participated yet.

The logs for territories are blank if the territory is conquered while the game is closed. I went to sleep and when I woke up, I looked and saw a number of territories had been conquered, but there was nothing listing in the log showing who fought.


  • @Rimbol i agree 100%

    First off i do want to congratulate the devs overall i really liked the beta TW... it is fun, and and the rewards make it so you can just have fun playing game. But i understand how those that obliterated the enemy would want more.

    In both TW tests my guild was defeated... my team had 2-4 territories left to conquer... all roided out meta teams... the first TW we had 48/50 members involved and i was kewl with losing.

    The 2nd one participation droped to 28/50 and we did setup a defense that was vastly superior to the 1st TW... but we were conquered almost immediatly... and we struggled to get 6 of the 10 territories. Which makes question or at least wonder how the guild matchup works in the case of lesser participants in a 100mil GP guild...

    Was the guild we faced also at 28/50 participants?

    If so, were the 28/50 participants in each guild evenly matched GP wise?

    And if so? How did they manage to annihilate our superior defense faster instantly, and we struggled to defeat there lesser defense?

    Im not complaining, just want to investgate this further as this is the point of beta testing.

    It is our second TW i call into question.

    House Divided Beta
    Vaapad Beta

    I will point out that our beta guild had varying GP values from members comprising each our many guilds in our alliance so no doubt it bore a small factor... but the rate in which the enemy just steamrolled us is what i question... it was like our defense was comprised only of cup/ugnaught/mob enforcer/pao/jkg
    and there defense had lots and lots of meta teams...

    I just asking how matchups where determined with around 50% of possible participants.

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