LF Guild - HAAT/H.Rancor standard - 600/600 standard for me

hello guys,

i reactivate my old account - 6 months break and now i am looking for good gild, where i can farm HAAT and help with TB/TW (this things is for me new, but i can very fast lvl up all needet toons)

600/600 tickets from me its 100% daily.

I have "only" 1 000 000 GP , but i can make about 300 000+ in maybe 1 month ?

I am monster active player. Now i must reroll very much toons to LS (before i was DS killer - i have Siths, Empire teams)

I am looking for international guild with good raid time - HAAT is priority for me, i can give about 5% DMG in all stages. I have zKylo for P1

Zetas: Kylo, Vader, Maul, Savage

Thx for offers.


Ally-Code: 645-729-615

Galactic Power: 1 000 000+
Character/Ship GP: 600 000 / 400 000
Player Level: 85
Number of 7*: 32
Number of 6*: 3

Average Arena Rank: 40 ( i am return player about 6 months ) - before quit i was about TOP 1-3

Type of Play: 150 USD per Month
Time-zone: Central Europe


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