Phasma special abilities priority

So, having tried using both her specials first during PvE, Gw, and arena, I'm not sure if one is selling me over the other for priority. Those who use her frequently, is there a priority you've found? Sometimes it varies, if I need just a little damage to finish someone off, or if I want to avoid triggering a counter, I can decide in that situation. But as a general guideline, is one better?

With the new speed methodology, does her turn meter gain outweigh the speed down?
You guys had a riot? On account o' me? My very own riot?


  • So, having tried using both her specials first during PvE, Gw, and arena, I'm not sure if one is selling me over the other for priority. Those who use her frequently, is there a priority you've found? Sometimes it varies, if I need just a little damage to finish someone off, or if I want to avoid triggering a counter, I can decide in that situation. But as a general guideline, is one better?

    With the new speed methodology, does her turn meter gain outweigh the speed down?

    Without sounding like a broken record, it's situational. I don't use her much anymore in this new meta. However if I was using her. Typically the old rule of look at your enemies speed bar, is everyone about half? Is your team almost up for a turn? Should be ok to use slow. Everyone on your team 50% speed, or did Poe just taunt? Use victory march. With this new meta, it's usually oh shi....! Victory march spam 99% of the time.
  • Watch the speed meters. Phasma give your team 25-50% instantly, or slow down other team(if it lands) 25%. So the gain would outweigh the speed down usually, but depends on meters. Also you get advantage for your team and her basic does a lot more damage if she has advantage
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