Tarkin - Callous Conviction Zeta

Just got Tarkin to G12, is his zeta unique worth it? Can his potency go over 100% to give even more offense?


  • I did it a long time ago. Before CLS meta. I used Tarkin, Thrawn, DT, GK and Nihilus in arena. The Chaze crush. Lol. But now? He's such a good toon in TB and useful in Empire teams for TW as well. I use the 7* Executrix with G12 and two G12 pieces. 170 speed. So, there is still value for me. Honestly, I would focus other toons. I don't know what you have. If you have enough zetas saved, why not? His zeta is not bad. I still enjoy it but there are a lot of better options. Imo.
  • It’s not worth it. You should def zeta pao. He’s Waay worth it!
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