Please give us a practice arena

Title. Now that GW is a full auto snooze fest there is virtually no way to test out any comps aside from just burning an arena fight. Used to we could fight to an end node and find a solid g12 meta team and just fight it and retreat to our little hearts content. Now I’m lucky if I can even find a team that’s level 85. And on top of that if we’ve burnt through the pathetic new GW and have no energy we can’t even test teams anywhere other than arena. Now more than ever we need some sort of free practice arena. My suggestion would be a place where we could pick 5 of our own toons for a defense and 5 for an offense. That way we can also test if our defense is solid or not. Maybe also have the choice to fight ally teams too. Honestly I wouldn’t even care if it was just 5 random g12 toons since I rarely even see them anymore outside of arena. Just anything really. Cmon devs. Lets make this happen.


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