Ultimate Star Wars Squad Team

Apart from the game, the Meta Report and all character stats, which squad team would shredding through all enemys in your opinion?

My choice:

- Yoda
- Luke Skywalker
- Mace Windu
- Count Dooku
- Emperor Palpatine


Yoda is powerful with the Force and also a true master of Lightsaber Combat. Yoda trained a lot of Jedi, and he was known for his mastery of the Force and skills with lightsabers and vibroblades.
Even knowing that he had immense power, Yoda chose to teach the younglings and be a master, making the youngest of the orders receptive to knowledge and experience. Yoda also learned how to return as a Force Spirit from Qui-Gon Jinn, and he is one of only four known Jedi – along with Anakin, Obi-Won, Qui-Gon – who mastered this technique.

Luke Skywalker He could see the future and had abilities that no other Jedi ever had. Luke also refused to turn to the dark side. With almost no training, he used his Force-sensitive abilities as a pilot to single-handedly destroy the first Death Star. While most Jedi train for decades before becoming a Knight, Luke was largely self-trained, with limited mentorship from Obi-Wan and Yoda. After losing his hand and Anakin Skywalker’s lightsaber in a duel with Darth Vader, Luke constructs his own lightsaber from scratch using the tools he could find in Obi-Wan’s hut on Tatooine. Despite his limited training, Luke survives his first confrontation with Vader and later beats him in a lightsaber duel.

Mace Windu was one of the best lightsaber masters ever and even created the seventh form of lightsaber combat, called Vaapad. Notice that he was the only practitioner of this fighting style that never, ever fall to the dark side. Also he nearly defeated one of the greatest Sith Masters of all time -> Emperor Palpatine

Count Dooku was known as a skilled duelist and a master of Makashi combat. Dooku successfully fought multiple difficult adversaries, defeating both Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker at the First Battle of Geonosis. Besides that he was the apprentice of Yoda.

Emperor Palpatine Darth Sidious was an apprentice to Darth Plagueis.He took the life of a politician as a facade to hide his true intentions of taking over the galaxy. While still an apprentice, Sidious took an apprentice violating the rule of the two: Darth Maul. He usurped the throne of Dark Lord of the Sith by killing Dark Plagueis in his sleep. Later, he turned Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker into his apprentice: Darth Vader. With Vader, he purged all of the Jedi he found and took over the galaxy, forming the Galactic Empire.He reigned supreme until he was killed by Vader when he was trying to kill Luke with Force Lightning. However, he was so powerful, he didn't stay dead. He took the body of his clone and was forced to change bodies often to stay alive. He even managed to turn Luke Skywalker for a brief period of time.
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