Can we get custom Arena Shards?

I know this might be a dumb request but I personally would love to be able to join custom shards that have special rules, maybe ones with no zetas, ones with a gear level cap on characters, ones that ban CLS and RJT to increase variety. I know a lot of people won’t necessarily agree but I think it would be a great way to bring variety back into the game and make it so they are more than the 2-3 teams we play right now.


  • orrrrr...instead of all that work..
    Make an arena for guilds or something that you can play against guildies. No energy cost, no rewards, no sim ticket caps anything.
    Just a free for all where you can try new teams against other teams for no reason other than to have FUN.
    Game is a chore as it is, why not have a place where you can kick back for 30m and try out cool new combos with all the toons you have farmed for 3-6months and have FINALLY unlocked?

    I see where you're going, but I feel this would be the easier/more feasible solution.
  • Moved to Feedback/Arena.
  • Keep dreaming...
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