TW idea to increase guild cooperation: Reduce pre-loaded TM.

So I'm operating from the position that TW is supposed to be a guild event. If there is a defender that's too difficult for any of my guild's teams to defeat, we should be able to work together to whittle down those teams. The problem is that the way that Turn Meter is currently applied to teams that have won a defense, there's just no way for an outmatched guild to get past a ringer team. Even 1 failed attack can make that defender impossible to ever overcome due to the pre-loaded TM. No matter how fast my toons are, a pre-loaded team will get multiple hits before any of my toons proc for their first turn. This usually results in at least one kill and multiple debuffs.

The amount of TM that defenders are allowed to "carry over" to the next encounter needs to be greatly reduced. Obviously, spending 3 or 4 teams to take out 1 defender is not going to lead to victory, but it would allow a guild to actually work together to get past a wall. It would even out some of the disparity between guilds with deep rosters and those with just a few really powerful squads. And isn't that the way it's supposed to be?


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