GW pairings

I'm about 10 days into a natural experiment, and I can state rather definitively that arena team power has a large impact on GW difficulty. With all other factors relatively constant (arena rank fairly steady, all resources going into building my "bench"), increasing my arena team power from 26.500 to 27,500 has meant going from easy completions every day to mostly completing 10 or 11 nodes and only clearing all 12 twice in 10 days.

(Yes, I'm well aware that some people find it "easy" even @ 27,500; they either have a deeper bench than I do, especially healers (I don't have Barris, and only lumi and JC in useable form) or more time to play the retreat/optimize game than I do, or both.)

Not a complaint comment - though I do think it's a bit arbitrary - but just warning others to beware.
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