Rahm Kota

138 posts Member
edited March 2018
After my post on Star killer kit, there is my kit for Rahm Kota!


Rahm Kota
Support, jedi, galactic republic, rebel
Base speed : 120

-Basic - light saber strike
Deal physical domage to the target enemy and inflict defence down for 2 turn.Kota and a random aly heal 10% of max health.
5000 Domage

-special - Force push (3 turn cooldown)
Deal special domage to all enemy inflic stager to them. If the target is a empire and sith character this attack cannot be evaded or resisted.
2000 Domage

-Leader - Birth of the rebelion
Rebel aly gain 30% max health and max protection, 20% health steal and also 40% potency

-Unique - lone survivor
Rahm Kota gain 5 speed, 15% max health and protection everytime an enemy or an aly is defeted. This is staking until the end of the encounter.

This kit is not build for arena, this kit is build for territory battle and would also be good for the new raid!

Character synergie:
Rahm Kota would be realy good as a rebel leader and he would be good under prety mush all jedi and rebel leadership to support. The fact that he have the stagger vs sith and empire would make him good for Teritory battle and vs the new sith raid


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