My thoughts

I have seen some post Some drama but always kept quiet I am not sure if this post will make policy changes but as a player for over year and half
My post may be redundant and I am sorry for that
outside TW ship challeneges and ship store we can't get them I think when we do the ship challenge to get zeta it should always be 1 we get and a 50 %to get 2 I don't mind zetaing a character a month 12 for a year . With new characters coming out and who may also need zetas how do we really plan. I play this game cause I love it supposed to be fun but it not I had a zeta plan but it changed when EP became meta it changed again due to Sith raid I really think with all the zeta out there that will make our teams better for Sith raid TW TB we need more opportunities to get zetas

Where mod management?????
Getting challeneges gear in raid reward when will that be fixed
What about rewards from assault battles instead of getting shards you have at 7 star get those you don't have and if you get gear don't get challenge gear

Challenges you should add an option t9 get zetas as well and add other gear like stun cuffs etc

I love the game but here are some way the game can be improved
CG If you listening please make the game better and function better my zeta list if things stay the same will not be done for another 2 years there about 20-25 characters I Wana zeta
With the added focus on defense in TW I feel it is important to have more acess to zetas I would there come a point where I can zeta maybe 2-3 characters a month


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