Galacatic wars to easy? Be careful what you wish for

A lot of people are saying GW nodes are too easy now and simming the whole war is not fun for many players.... I do question why they made it entirely easy. Why not just keep it how it was and let us use a borrowed hero from an ally for the whole war instead. Just like all the other battles. Make it somewhat fun too


  • You have to consider the player base as a whole, not just the most dedicated and top players who tend to post here a lot. Before changing guilds recently, I was in a weaker guild with many F2P players where a lot struggled to complete GW every day. Even players who had been 85 a while often hit a CLS squad they couldn’t beat on the last node.
  • Human3001
    74 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    Making GW simable was a mistake in my opinion. Now if you have completed it 150 times it's nothing more than daily free gifts. No effort needed. So why not get rid of the thing completly and just give all players the prizes for free? I don't like the concept of simming an entire daily chore at all. The same thing with the daily challenges. If you get your prizes for simply pressing a button it becomes ridiculous.

    But I'm aware that I'm pretty much alone with this opinion. I'd rather prefer less simming and reward players for investing time into the game. Sure that would give some an advantage over others. Just like a credit card does for p2w players.

    *edit typos*
    Ally code 428-543-243
  • I'm lucky I have a full Nightsister squad while levelling but not many people have, I'm not even lvl 82 yet and I'm already going against full lvl 85 G12 teams of Chase or CLS or GK or EP + Sion + Nihilus. If I didn't have a 7 star Talzin + Zombie squad there's no way in hell I'd beat those teams with a lvl 80 phoenix team.

    So actually galactic wars might seem easy to you but for a lot of players it isn't
  • People are investing time in the game. End-level players are running three raids virtually every day. I personally like fighting through GW, but daily challenges? They are ridiculously easy, and there is no point making people sit through the same animations over and over every day. It would bore people into quitting. If you don’t want to sim, then don’t.
  • TVF
    36573 posts Member
    Human3001 wrote: »
    Making GW simable was a mistake in my opinion. Now if you have completed it 150 times it's nothing more than daily free gifts. No effort needed. So why not get rid of the thing completly and just give all players the prizes for free? I don't like the concept of simming an entire daily chore at all. The same thing with the daily challenges. If you get your prizes for simply pressing a button it becomes ridiculous.

    Then don't sim any of these. You don't have to, but your solution to a problem that doesn't exist is to make the problem exist by forcing sims. Makes perfect sense.
    I need a new message here.
  • Your GW difficulty is in direct proportion to the strength of your top 5 toons, so if you only level those toons, GW will be hard. If you focus on your second and third string teams, GW will seem easy. I’m only level 75, and routinely hit toons several levels above mine in GW, but my third string team (Phoenix) does sometimes auto the entire GW for me. They’re strong enough to handle it. The couple times I couldn’t finish GW in the past few weeks was because I’d just starred a couple of my top 5, and my GW was much harder.

    Personally, I find GW useful for testing new teams, but I also would like the option on busy days to just sim the whole thing. Tuesday’s, for example, when I’ve built up a bunch of GW nodes for guild credit, might be a good day to sim a couple if I’m having a busy week.
  • I'm in an old shard, and when the shard was young, I was able to be F2P and get a respectable placement in the arena. As the shard matured, and the P2P players filtered up to the top I was no longer placed against my peers, it became impossible to finish the GW, and usually would be stopped a place of two before the final battle, and went maybe as long as a year without actually being able to finish the GW. I don't object to the simable GW, probably won't use it myself, I would like the GW to be a little harder so I can test teams in there, it's the closest thing we have to a sandbox, but something needed to happen.
  • Gw was way too time consuming. Allowing those of us that had done the chore 150+ times was one of the best decisions they could have made to reduce player burnout. Here’s a secret don’t have to sim if you don’t want to..
  • After a point it was a pointless chore for some players. Yes i could beat it everyday without question but it was time I could have been spending on other things. I quit doing it because it was boring and not really challenging simming it is one of the best QOL updates this game has had.
  • Darthpedro wrote: »
    After a point it was a pointless chore for some players. Yes i could beat it everyday without question but it was time I could have been spending on other things. I quit doing it because it was boring and not really challenging simming it is one of the best QOL updates this game has had.

    This right here, well minus the quit doing it part ;)
  • Darthpedro wrote: »
    After a point it was a pointless chore for some players. Yes i could beat it everyday without question but it was time I could have been spending on other things. I quit doing it because it was boring and not really challenging simming it is one of the best QOL updates this game has had.

    This right here, well minus the quit doing it part ;)

    Well to be fair I didn't completely quit but jamming 72 nodes into 24 hours accross 2 accounts was enough for a whole week for me lol
  • JacenRoe
    3016 posts Member
    Cal00054 wrote: »
    Gw was way too time consuming. Allowing those of us that had done the chore 150+ times was one of the best decisions they could have made to reduce player burnout. Here’s a secret don’t have to sim if you don’t want to..


    I did well over 700 full GWs prior to the sim button being added. If I never have to do another it will be too soon. Especially since we have to deal with three raids, TW, and TB. Those didn't exist when GW was the main time burner upper. Neither did the myriad of little events, assault battles, omega battles, ship arena, mythic events, etc, etc, etc. One less thing to do is a god sent.
  • I played for some months now! The aspect of the game that is one big chore,is the GW! Sometimes i didn´t even want to start it, but i do anyway! In the foreseeable future i will be able to sim it! And im thankful towards CG that the simming is now possible!
  • KKatarn
    629 posts Member
    It's better this way. We already waste to much time with the new boring raid trying to take Nihilus health... :s
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    I really wish they made it the old difficulty and after the SIM. I would play it ever day.
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