7* R2 was possible at 82 (for those wondering)

These questions usually pop up during legendary events so I figure I would post my success. My squad was,

Thrawn (L) Vader/Starck/TFP/Magma.
All have standard 5 dot health mods per my level and all are G10 except Magma who is G9. No zetas but all abilities maxed up to and including omegas. My kill order was Han, Luke, Leia, R2, chewy, Obi,(fracture Obi to remove taunt, ability block and his rediculous buffs on death) and I did it this way to knock out the damage as fast as possible. I would target Leia over Luke if she wasn't stealthed most of the time.

I tried once with Vader lead but got curb stomped all over the place. It also felt a little RNG reliant with how many stuns they can pull off but I managed to beat it easily on my 2nd try.

Anyway for those who are close and wondering if they can do it but worried they might be wasting time/farm it is definitely possible, even with a less than ideal team, although I am a fan of magma and Starck is the king of the empire!
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