Some last suggestions from me ...

1380 posts Member
1) get rid of the inflexible time-structure (bonus-energy at fixed times, arena payout based on the position of a fixed time, fleet payout based on the position of a fixed time, etc
Im playing the game for over 2 years now and the worst part for me is the fact, that the game wants to dictate my daily routine. get bonus energy between 1 and 3pm, otherwise its gone. get your best rank exactly at 7pm, our you get bad rewards, etc ... 1pm is the time, im at office, i cant always take a break, so i feel bad to miss my bonus energy. but "feeling bad" should not be the target of a game. At 7pm, im usually eating or bringing my kid to bed. i miss payout and get sniped, i feel bad (should no be the target of the game). plus it already disturbs the family-life, bc my kid would rather play with me than watching me tabbing on the mobile. (im pretty sure, im not the only one who feels that way)
2) reduce the impact of rng
once you start the game as a newbie, you get told about bonus from chars/groups/factions against others, but the higher you get, the less impact those bonus have. Speed mods and rng are the main source for success. both not in hand of the player, because speed mods are based on rng (does it drop with speed secondaries, does the speed secondary increase?) and rng in battle is ... ya, just rng. (palp has a 70% chance to stun each opponent ... sometimes you stun 2, sometimes 3, pretty often 0 or 1 only, plus if in case the 70% chance triggered, there is another chance the opponent resists ... chance chance chance, random, random, random, ... i do not like random, i cant improve random, i like to test and improve skills. also the who moves next-random in case more chars get to 100% tm in same turn. its just a major pain to see 5 chars at 100%, one random gets a turn and does its action then 3 more gets 100 % tm and one of the 3 gets the next turn? why? worst case is you have 3 of your guys at 100%, 1 opponent at 100%, your thrawn has the turn, gives his tm to whoever and guess what, the 1 single opponent (vs 3 others having 100% tm, even with the turn transfered from thrawn to someone else) gets the turn ... oh common ... get your job done!
3) reduce the time-consumption
There are the daily farms, quests, events, territory battles, territory wars, raids, arena, fleet, gw, blah ... i know you made everything possible simable, but it still requires way too much time. My suggestion to fix it: make less raids available (lower the max possible ticket income per day, or increase the max stock to increase the costs per raid) 1 raid of each per week should be already more than enough. to compensate the less raids, increase the rewards on it (3x for example). same for territory battle and territory war ... make them once a week or even once a month only, but increase the rewards. talking about rewards, maybe you think about changing the raid-rewards in like its tb and tw, bc its a "guild-event" and not a "guild-internal-troop-arena" where guild mates, who should work together, just try to beat each other.
4) reduce the grind
I know, most of the games end in a grind festival to keep ppl as long busy as possible. however there are almost 150 chars in this game and all need tons of gear. also the single hard node farmes are terrible. you increased them from 3 to 5 to 8 attempts per day now, but honestly that doesnt change much. imo most of the chars should be available in one of the f2p-ships (arena, gw, cantina) or even in pve-shop for credits. sure, "op" chars like DN might stay single-hard-nodes, as they are the last ones you should be able to claim. but shards are even the lower issue, the gazillions of stun guns, stun cuffs, carbantis and fiew other materials, needed is just frustrating and disturbing the gameplay. Let Scav Rey needs 3 freaking stun guns to get her from g11 to g12, but no char should need 3 carbanis + a stun gun to get him from g9 to g10 ... you cant use him at this low gear-level anyway. if you see no progress, you are going to feel bad (what again is not the target of a game).
5) test your updates
really, you should test your updates. Im not talking about nute gunray's leader, which made leia unstoppable in raids (before you nerfed it), but about new added chars/content/bug fixes which get added to the game and are bugged already. nute was already there, you could miss it, but a new char is what you where focusing for the update and this one is bugged? How embarrassing, how embarrassing.
6) listen to your playerbase
... they know what they want and what they would pay for ...

there would be way more suggestions, but thats the main-issues i had.
Left by design.
The fixed payout times are the worst part of this game and makes it absolutely family-unfriendly.
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