Ship raids--idea for something new

Hopefully ship raids are on the horizon, with the ship rework and the ship battle table coming (soon!). It would be nice if they were truly something new, rather than a wash/rinse/repeat of the old raids just with ship skins instead of characters. An idea I had was a death star raid, from ROTJ:
First off, some special stuff for the raids. Your capital ships can be destroyed, as can enemy capital ships. When your capital ship is destroyed, your attempt is over, all your reinforcements are destroyed, but any active fighters escape. If all your fighters are destroyed, the attempt is over and your capital ship escapes with its reinforcements. At the end of each phase, your attempt is over and all of your ships escape, with their current turn meter in addition to cooldowns/health/protection. There is no enrage, each phase would have its own certain type of cooldown that would be unique to that phase. There would also be no escape ability (similar to STR). Your capital ships gain the special repair, which restores a certain amount of health (and calls a rebel ally to assist, if able).

Tie Fighter - Standard
Tie Interceptor - Faster, basic deals target lock to enemies that don't have it, defense down to enemies that do, special deals daze and removes harried from allied bombers. Reinforcement ability removes buffs from target.
Tie Bomber - Just one attack, bombing run. Deals 20% health damage to your capital ship (10% if harried). When hit by an enemy fighter, gains harried (unique debuff that can't be removed except by Interceptor) until the end of its next turn. Reinforcement ability removes TM from enemy capital.
Star Destroyer - Basic capital ship, can have whatever basic/specials, but its ultimate would be Turbolaser barrage (deal 50% health damage to enemy capital ship, can't be prevented).
Executor - Ultimate deals 90% health damage, and would have its own set of more powerful abilities. Starts off with 5 fighters instead of 3, and has no cooldown on reinforcements.

Phase I: Fighter wave.
Your team fights wave after wave of enemy fighters. Wave is complete after a set number of fighters are destroyed (rather than a health percentage). There's no capital ship, instead there's a reinforcement cooldown that will continually reinforce ships (up to around 10). At turn 15, reinforcement speed doubles, and any time an enemy ship is defeated a reinforcement is immediately called. At the end of phase, Death Star fires and becomes operational, forcing you into close combat with enemy capital ships.

Phase 2: Close Quarters
This one would be the most different. In this phase, there would be a list of around 20 enemy star destroyers that are alive, and you pick one to fight (kind of like TW). Your fighters would gain the special bombing run, which would do a certain amount of damage to the enemy capital ship. Bombing run's damage would be reduced for each active enemy fighter, and would always critical if no enemy fighters. Your capital ship would also gain a special that would deal damage to the enemy capital, but would be indifferent to enemy fighters. The enemy capital would be able to call reinforcements or use attacks/specials just like any normal capital. At the end of the 15 turn countdown timer, the death star would fire on your capital, destroying it.

Phase 3: Executor
This would be similar to phase 2, with the exception of only having one capital to attack (executor), which would be much more powerful and more similar to current raids, but could only be damaged with bombing runs/capital ship salvos rather than basic/special attacks.

Phase 4: Death star interior
On the final phase, you would ditch your capital ship and chose 3 fighters to fly into the death star and make a bombing run on the core. I know it wouldn't be exactly lore friendly, but to make this more playable you'd probably need to hit it more than once. On this one, there would be a countdown to reaching the core, and you would fight enemy fighters on your way in. Each turn, your fighters would have a small chance of "crashing" in the confined spaces, being instantly defeated. You would basically keep making bombing runs until either all your fighters were killed by the enemy fighters, crashed, or the death star core was destroyed.

Raid rewards would hopefully be a Rebel Chewie and The Millenium Falcon (flown by Raid Han and Chewie).
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