What order should I put zetas on my arena squad?

Current lineup:
G11 Palpatine lead, zeta on his lead. No zeta on his unique
G12 Vader, no zeta on his unique
G12 Nihilus, zeta on both of his abilities
G11 four star Sion, no zeta
G11 6 star Sith Trooper

I'm unsure which of my three characters that have a zeta ability I should put my current zeta that I have saved up on, and what order I should zeta the rest of them. It seems like palpatine's could be useful, but may not be as helpful as I don't have any characters in my lineup that grant protection regen, which really is what I'd need to make his zeta useful before G12, which is probably two weeks off for me. Sion's seems to be really handy to reduce the cooldown of held by hatred, (obviously), so that's pretty good. Vader's seems to be more aimed at raid survivability than arena use, but I'm unsure about it. So can someone who has used these and experimented with them tell me just how much of an impact each zeta will have on my overall arena performance, as well as which to get first?


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