Best use of crystals? Enfys Nest?

69 posts Member
I have stored up around 9,000 crystals at the moment. I am tempted to use them to acquire Enfys Nest but thinking there may be a better use. However, she does seem like a worthy character? Opinions welcome.


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    That will get you, what, 45 to 60 shards for her? (do not entertain hope of getting her to 7* with only 9,000 crystals, the odds of better drops are insanely low) Best use is likely G12 gear salvage and Mk 5 stun guns for other characters that you're using more often.

    My recommendation. ^
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    Where are you in the game lifecycle? Just starting? Just hit 85? Etc. etc. What are your goals? Take first in arena? Take first in ships? Do better in raids?

    Enfys is a fine character, but not meta changing in any way. A little bit annoying at 7*s with a full G12 set, and definitely has her place in today's arena, but if you don't have good mods or you don't have a fully geared arena team, focusing on those two things will get you a lot farther than the single star you'll be able to put on her. (You won't get the 95 shards you need to take her to five stars).
  • Drazhar
    784 posts Member
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    I spend my crystals on refreshes and good deals of gear in shipments such as the 25 gold pieces for 375 crystals
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    If you're adamant about using crystals to level her up, wait until she hits shipments, hoard more, and you'll be able to 7* her with about half the cost.
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