To zeta,or not to zeta...

I have acquired 20 zeta's,and i'm debating on which ability to zeta for Yoda. His leadership seems pretty important with the foresight, but his unique also grants a bunch of buffs. So which to zeta?


  • Leadership seems better IMO.
  • YaeVizsla
    3448 posts Member
    For almost every character who has a leadership that you are going to use, their leadership is their most important zeta. Main exception is CLS, for whom It Binds All Things is generally considered more important.
    Still not a he.
  • Poxx
    2288 posts Member
    Until Jedi get some love, I wouldn't consider GMY's leader zeta. We'll have to see what the 2 new jedi bring to the table and if the $300 to 7* each of them is enough of a draw. Even then, they may have leadership abilities or GK, QGJ, OB leads may b better than Yoda's w/ them added. Awful lot of speculation to base a zeta upon.
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