Big Crit Triangle

We're talking mods here people! My belief is that a Crit Triangle should only be allowed to have a Crit primary.

The theory is this:
If your running a Crit set you will always be looking for a Crit damage primary on your triangle anyway. You could possible accept a Crit chance or Offense primary but it's not really what you want. And a defense primary on a Crit damage triangle is completely useless. That mod shouldn't exist.

On top of this, you'll be looking for a decent speed secondary, so what happens is; I see that beautiful gold Crit Triangle in the mod store, click on her and see she has a 5 speed secondary! Only to look up and see that tragic defense primary.. Which is when I die a little inside..

Please don't show me if you do happen to have a Crit Triangle with Crit damage primary and a 18+ speed secondary. I want to believe they don't exist.


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