New Republic, Thrawn's Empire & Noghri as NEW factions?

1017 posts Member
edited March 2016
Hello Everyone!

Seeing a bunch of threads in regards to new factions made me think about the Thrawn Book Trilogy.I have read a vast amount of post Jedi Returns Star Wars books and felt this one was one of the best. Therefore I purpose adding the following factions into the game from this Trilogy along with suggested characters to fill these factions. New Republic, Thrawn Empire, Noghri.

New Republic - Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade, Jedi Leia or Lady Vader, Talon Karrde, Garm Bel Iblis. Other possibilities would be Mon Motha, Khabarakh or New Republic Han/Lando/Chewie

Thrawn Empire- Gran Admiral Thrawn, Captain Gilad Pellaeon, Dark Jedi Clone Joruus C'Baoth, Rukh. Other possible suggestions would be Spacetrooper or Dark Jedi Clone Luke Skywalker

Noghri – Khabarakh, Ovkhevam, Cakhmaim, Ekhrikhor, Rukh. Other possibilities would be the Noghri Death Commando, Noghri Bodyguard, Lady Vader(Leia)

I think the Noghri should be the first neutral faction both lightside and darkside. They turned against the Empire to join the New Republic after discovering the Empire was deceptively using them as assassin slaves. Also her is a little backround description of the Noghri I choose. Khabarakh - Discovered Leia and brought her to Honoghr(Noghri home planet) and hid her under the Empire’s nose. This ultimately lead to turning the Noghri against the Empire and changing the tides of the war. Ovkhevam - was the Noghri caretaker of the kholm-grass cleansed mountain to secure a future for the Noghri. Cakhmaim - Served as chief bodyguard of Leia and her family. Ekhrikhor- was the leader of the Noghri group that followed the Millennium Falcon to Wayland. Ekhrikhor and his band of Noghri spent much of their time concealed, working to make path clear path of harmful creatures towards the empires cloning facility for Luke’s group while keeping the natives at bay. They also aided in the final attack on the cloning facility leading to it's destruction. For more info on the Noghri and how important they were in Star Wars, starting as early as the Clone Wars, visit

Please post your thoughts and suggestions to this.

☮ Consular ☮

New Republic, Thrawn's Empire & Noghri as NEW factions? 3 votes

I woul like to see these factions and Agree with suggested roster
SixplicitWillkimm98Megadeth3700 3 votes
I would like to see these factions with changes to the roster
I don't want these factions added
Post edited by Megadeth3700 on
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