Easy matchmaking solution; seperate passive/active gp check

First check assigns a guild to a 10m division (like 140-149m bracket) on passive guild gp total
Second check assigns a guild to the closest active gp match.

Nothing coding complicated and I don't see any downfalls to it.


  • Somthing should be done imo
  • Why not an democratic solution ... and you have a choice every time ...

    Like 3 TW models ...

    The guild decide through registration of more than 25 players, which TW model they want to play ...

    A: could be active GP vs active GP, and than match compare the amount of players

    B: could be passive GP vs passiv GP, and than match compare the amount of players

    C: still the hidden Roulette like it is now

    If you give the guilds the opportunities to choose ... no one can blame CG or EA anymore ... make it transparency ... we are glad that we live in a democracy country ...
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