Lackluster mythic event rewards suggestion

First off, I very much enjoy the mythic events. A great chance to use those legendary toons you farmed so long ago in a fun new challenge. The rewards, though, tend to be not so good. Specifically, the mods. While 2 gold mods seems like it would be awesome, more often than not they have useless secondaries/primaries and are just sold for 9k credits. To make these rare events seem more worthwhile, I’d recommend a little more hand-crafting in the rewards (and a little less rng). For example, if the reward for a mythic tier is 2 tenacity mods, make it so one of them is random but with a guaranteed speed secondary, and the other is a guaranteed tenacity cross with random secondaries. These could all be themed, like a critical damage triangle if the mods are critical damage or a speed arrow for speed mods. I think that would provide just a little more fun out of the mythics, as you’d be excited for the rewards rather than just like, meh. I don’t think this would really disrupt mod power balance, either, since even if you had a speed secondary it only has a 1/256 chance of hitting speed 4 times and becoming a “god mod”, and having random secondaries on the mods with good primaries also keeps a bit of rng in the acquisition.
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