Anyone else signup for TerritoryWar and was booted after it began?

I signed up soon after the last TerritoryBattle ended and subseqeuently checked it's status multiple times(which showed me as signed up) and then it starts and •poof• no TerritoryWar. All I have is the "Guild Activities" message. Not only will I miss out on important gear & Zetas, but it puts pressure on my guild! EA/Cap needs to address this!!!

Please post something if you had trouble. Only if you had trouble, not just because you were absent-minded & forgot to signup. They need to see how widespread this problem is and we need to be reimbursed for their errors.


  • I have some questions about this.

    First of all. Territory wars did not show up for hours after territory battles ended for me. So how long was it in to TW showed up for you exactly?

    Second question. Did your client really go •Poof•?
    Was •Poof• a sound the client made or was it a lifestyle choice?

    Last of all, just how important is this digital content you may or may not miss out on?

    Will your children be able to have food tonight or are you now homeless and on welfare?

    I only ask because I am nosey and curious and think asking questions is also a great conversation starter.

    You are welcome. Leave the money on the fridge thanks.
  • HK666
    1263 posts Member
    Haven't had this myself, but a guildie said the same
  • TekkarEdorf
    670 posts Member
    edited October 2018
    A guildmate experienced the same. Tried contacting ea for help but never heard a thing . Especially annoying since it out the guild at 119 million gp so missed out on an extra zeta for everyone
  • Same here!

    It didn't cost us but it cost us a Zeta two wars back!
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
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