Why is the AI so bad? Seems intentional

There have been complaints about Revan’s Marked debuff because it apparently does not work like Deathmark, i.e. you can hit a character who is taunting even if another character is Marked. I can accept that the ability is working as intended. Maybe you want to throw a stun or ability block on a taunter while you are otherwise focusing the Marked toon. What I cannot accept is the AI that seems to be at work defensively here. I’ve seen videos of Revan squads on defense that completely ignore a marked Traya or other attacker to swing away repeatedly at a taunting Sion or GK. This seems to completely defeat the purpose of “Marking” a target to begin with. What is the point of “Directing Focus” if your allies are going to ignore you to pound on a tank?

This extends into other game modes as well. I have particularly noticed this in fleet arena, where I feel there are some intentional shenanigans at play with the AI. For example, Geonosians appear to be much smarter at prioritizing targets than other combos. I’m running Geos myself, so this benefits me, but it seems like an artificial way to affect the meta. If you want a team to be more effective, make its kit better. Don’t make it hold better defensively just by making the AI dumber with other lineups.
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