What is the best BH team for sith raid and for what phase?

As title says. Now that we can farm almost all of them what is the best combination for STR and for what phase should i use them


  • Best phase for me is Phase 2, against Sion. I use any BH with Greedo as leader for its increased critical damage. I also do not worry about cleansing the characters. The health gained in every hit compensate for Sion's attacks. My current team is Greedo, Boba, Cad, Bossk and (Jango or Dengar, depending on the tier level).
  • i would also say P2 is the best but don't hesitate to try them in different phases. I like using Greedo, Boba, Bossk, Sing, Enbo.
    Really tho you could prob just mix and match any of them. They just need some experimenting
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