Next zeta

I've been building up my jedi for tb/tw and all i have yet is to zeta both yodas but I recently unlocked traya and I'm starting to get back into the top 50 but there are also revans to deal with now. I counted 9 in the top 20. So I've been getting an anti revan squad ready. Was stuck between tarkin lead with thrawn and trio or zaul nest and the trio but decided to go with zaul. I have all tenacity mods on nest and took maul to g11. Should I take a break from jedi and zeta maul or stick with my jedi

Next zeta 22 votes

Darth maul
BlargwaharRiffinator 2 votes
GM yoda
ZtyleVinniarthSnake2SpeedokillzKyJoe_CooltheatomicpunDarthPadraigTrojankomji15NikWolverBubbaFettDarkArchonMagicMatthews99DaPowerfulJediPerksSithTrio_POVal_GalahadredJppcXxDougyDougyxXLightsabermon 20 votes


  • Snake2
    1455 posts Member
    GM yoda
    Zaul nest is not reliable against all revan comps. I wouldn't spend the zeta if you haven't already.
  • GM yoda
    You’ll get a lot more use out of battle meditation than with maul.
  • GM yoda
    Mol... is only for countering Revan w/ Nest in arena.
    But Yoda w/ Bastila’s Jedi team? It works well at Arena, TB, TW and Raids.
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