Mod management improvement suggestion

102 posts Member
I'm very grateful for mod management, we've asked for this for soooo long and when we finally got it; it surpassed most of our expectations. I give alot of credit to the devs for implementing mod management very successfully and late is better than never.

But as all things new I think that improvements can be made. It's too arrogant to claim that something is perfect and mod management is no exception. I believe I saw a similar request in this forum not that long ago but I think it's important to respark the conversation.

I believe we need to add an option to SWAP mod sets instead of just remove and replace. I find myself constantly having a plethora of characters missing mods because of the Sith raid and moving mods around. This is a troublesome when territory war comes around. Losing track of my mods is an issue. I believe there's an easy fix by simply adding the option to swap instead of completely stripping a character off any mods.

I don't think that it would require too much work from the developer team and it would be a huge assistance to the players. Such a small change could make a huge difference and improve the quality of life for players.

I hope we get a lot of upvotes for this and let the devs know that we really could use that feature.
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