Next Zeta help

I'm planning on switching to a Chewie Rebel team in arena because my Nightmare squad keeps getting pushed down further and further. I'll most likely use CLS (L), RHan, Chewie, R2, and Nest. I already have IBAT, Number Crunch, and Shoots First zetad, now I'm not sure the best order to do the remaining zetas. Which one would contribute most in arena?

Next Zeta help 9 votes

R2's Combat Analysis
KyJoe_CoolColemanTreborBahumatkomji15donfazerEuler 6 votes
Chewie's Loyal Friend
DaPowerfulJedi 1 vote
Chewie's Raging Wookie
pacheo2325 1 vote
Nest's Fighting Instinct
Xx1xx2xx2 1 vote
Another one of CLS's
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