What happened to "better communication"?

36 posts Member
edited December 2018
Here it is, December 4th. Still, there's no mention of December events, no update of what's happening in the last month of the quarter, etc.
I thought Carrie was trotted out a few months ago because CG wanted to improve communication? Since then, we've seen less communication despite being told it would get better. We've seen a deluge of marquees for kotor even though we were told it would get better. Whoever CG Crumb is, is the only person "communicating" and he's basically in charge of making lame puzzle that we have to "figure out" so that we know what's coming. Which, by the way, is almost a backhanded way of "improving communication." If zero communication is the new standard, fine. Just say so at least. Just post the standard posts on time (monthly event calendar) as if you're getting paid for it, because your are, and be done with it. Everybody is tired of hints just so CG can cash grab every 4 weeks by not giving people a little time to change farm schedules.
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