Message to CG and players: This is going to keep happening

Okay CG, I need you to skip this paragraph and move on to the next paragraph this is just for the player base. Lets be real guys, being able to counter Revan with Nest so easily isn't reasonable. I understand why they changed the Nest mechanic, and you do too.

CG, now for you. I have NEVER gone so deep into a mobile game before. You guys have done an AMAZING job making a game that's super enjoyable, it's socially incredible, it brings creativity, and competition, and complexity in a way that I have never experienced before. This game has continued to develop and grow and become more and more complex and involved as time goes by, and I LOVE IT. Now... as a result of that complexity, we as a community are going to be able to use that complexity to come up with counters and teams that there was no way for you to anticipate. These "Nest counters" are going to happen more and more but with different characters, many surely haven't been introduced yet, and I doubt there's a lot you could do about it.... except one of these two things. A) Stop making characters that have entire paragraphs in their kits. Spread some of those dynamics across multiple toons, or add new effects more slowly, IDK, that's your job not mine ;). Or B ) Acknowledge the difference between "working as intended" and "working as anticipated". My guess, and maybe this is super presumptuous of me, but I suspect that Nest was working exactly as intended, but being used in a way that was unanticipated. At some point, you're going to have to allow us as a community to be creative. In a way, it's us VS you. You're job is to create an environment where we have to figure out how to beat your new content, and you have to make it hard enough that we want to buy your new content (which BTW is totally fine, I've been following EA's stock price, keep them afloat if you can).

Personally, I don't disagree with any of the changes you've made. ST Han shouldn't be able to solo P3 of the sith raid, Nest shouldn't be able to beat Revan by herself... not sure I agree with the Bossk change, but I trust you did that for a reason we don't yet understand. My point to all that is just to say, this is going to keep happening, and the more complicated the game gets, the more and more it's going to happen, and if you continue to "reward" peoples creativity with nerfs.... well, I have a bad feeling about the results.

Anyway, thanks for everything that you have been doing, and as much complaining as we may do, know that we all are really appreciative of what you guys have created here, and I look forward to complaining to you for a very long time.
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