501st Garrison looking for merger

501st Garrison
We are a 110 million GP Guild who are looking to merge with a guild with 10-25 members.

We normally require a minimum of 2 million GP and JTR to Join but will make allowances if not all members can comply as long as they have teams ready for the Heroic Sith raid.

We are an English based guild and our raids launch between 6-8pm we have a 24hr Join period on pit and tank raids but be warned the raids are usually over in under an hour.

We are currently hitting a wall in Phase 4 of the Heroic Sith raid (while missing 10 members) but with this merger we are looking to start farming immediately.

We are a great team and work well together we use discord to plan out strategies and pass information about events and offer advice.

If your interested message me on discord iceberg83#2972
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