Good packs for new players?

All I see are these tiny little $10-20 packs/bundles that are for something particular you’d need. Hermit Yoda comes now but you have to be level 65 to get it. I’ve been playing for only a couple weeks and would like to buy myself something really nice in the game for Christmas. Please, let me just buy some 4* toon like Bossk, Bastila, Sion, or Jolee that I would normally have to wait and farm for. I’ll gladly farm the rest of it when I unlock the areas or maybe even buy the shards from the store. Just need something for us noobs to catch up with. It seems that packs are either catered to the casual player or the established end gamer looking to bolster a particular area. I’d really like something in between for the guys that are trying to be competitive but haven’t been around long. Thanks!
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