Same starting characters

I saw a post on here about the “ perfect” start. They had retooled multiple accounts to get different starting characters. I have helped 3 others get going in this game and they all got the same starters as I did, Clone wars chewy, consular, farm boy, Ewok and trooper. Is there really other starters available, and 3 other peoples accounts got the same as me, at various times with in a year and a half, coincidence or not?


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    the pulls guided by the npc always gives the same characters... the 'perfect start' refers to getting good chars by pulls u do on your own costing 350-2700 gems
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    Ahh ok.. wow.. maybe I can delete this question, so my ignorance isn’t out on the forums 😁 thank you, I appreciate you!
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    It used to be that your first chromium card purchase would always give you enough shards to unlock a character. That's no longer the case now, but this was a big part of the perfect F2P start.
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