TW tactics

I'm a guild leader that runs a guild that struggles in TWs.

I was wondering if any other guilds had more successful methods they would be willing to share?

This would really make TW less frustrating for me and my members.

Defence is what I'm mainly after although offence advice is good to.

Thank you


  • First thing I would recommend is to not allow non-participation, i.e. 0 banners. I don't know if this happens in your guild but this is an ongoing issue in my guild and we have had to remove countless players for it. The active GP of all the players that sign up is factored into the initial matchmaking and could put you into a higher bracket. The number of players who sign up also factors into the number of squads per territory that need to be filled for defenses as well. So if someone signs up and then doesn't set any defenses and then doesn't attack during the attack phase then right off the bat your guild has been put at a disadvantage.
    Second, my guild has had better luck keeping each territory diverse in defenses to include A, B, C, and fodder squads rather than setting walls of A squads on the front lines. This may or may not work for you but it works well for us so this is what we do.
    Third, know your opponent will most likely take territories. By realizing this you can then try to direct their efforts in the direction you want them to go by placing tough but beatable squads in the selected territories and make this direction the path of least resistance. This will hopefully make them use up attempts and possibly good counter squads in their exuberance to claim territories quickly. Set roadblock (really tough) squads in territories you don't want them to take.
    For offense, my guild reserves a handful of players who only do the attack phase to reinforce territory breakthrough efforts by saving their entire roster to help handle tough opponent defenses. The rest of the guild takes what they can with what they saved after setting defense.
    The last bit of advice I can give is to urge your guild to do research and share what they find with each other regarding defensive and offensive squad compositions and counters. Knowledge is power and communication is key. Best of luck, hope some of this will help.
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